Top 50 C++ Interview Questions


Basic Concepts

  1. What is Visual C++?

    • Explain the purpose and features of Visual C++.

  2. What is the difference between C and C++?

    • Discuss key differences such as procedural vs. object-oriented programming.

  3. What are the main features of C++?

    • Cover features like classes, inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, and templates.

  4. Explain the concept of object-oriented programming (OOP).

    • Describe core OOP principles: encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism.

  5. What are access specifiers in C++?

    • Discuss public, private, and protected access specifiers and their uses.

  6. What is a constructor and destructor?

    • Explain the purpose and usage of constructors and destructors in C++.

  7. What is a virtual function?

    • Describe the concept of virtual functions and their role in achieving polymorphism.

  8. What is the purpose of the static keyword in C++?

    • Explain the different uses of static for variables and functions.

  9. How does C++ handle memory management?

    • Discuss the use of new, delete, and smart pointers.

  10. What is a reference variable?

    • Define reference variables and their differences from pointers.

Intermediate Concepts

  1. What are templates in C++?

    • Explain template classes and functions, and their benefits.

  2. What is the Standard Template Library (STL)?

    • Discuss the components of STL, including vectors, lists, maps, and algorithms.

  3. What are the differences between struct and class in C++?

    • Compare struct and class in terms of default access specifiers and other features.

  4. What is RAII (Resource Acquisition Is Initialization)?

    • Explain how RAII is used in C++ to manage resource allocation and deallocation.

  5. What is operator overloading?

    • Describe how operators can be overloaded to work with user-defined types.

  6. What is exception handling in C++?

    • Explain the use of try, catch, throw, and finally (C++11 and later) for exception handling.

  7. What is a pure virtual function?

    • Define pure virtual functions and their role in creating abstract classes.

  8. What is the difference between public, protected, and private inheritance?

    • Discuss how inheritance access specifiers affect class members.

  9. Explain the use of const keyword in C++.

    • Describe how const can be used with variables, pointers, and member functions.

  10. What is the friend class or function?

    • Explain how friend classes and functions can access private and protected members.

Advanced Concepts

  1. What is multiple inheritance?

    • Discuss the concept of multiple inheritance and its complexities in C++.

  2. What is dynamic polymorphism?

    • Explain how dynamic polymorphism is achieved using virtual functions and base class pointers.

  3. What are smart pointers and why are they used?

    • Describe unique_ptr, shared_ptr, and weak_ptr, and their advantages over raw pointers.

  4. What are lambda expressions in C++11?

    • Define lambda expressions and their use cases.

  5. What is the move semantics in C++11?

    • Explain the concept of move semantics and its benefits for performance.

  6. What is a constexpr function?

    • Describe the role of constexpr in compile-time evaluation of functions.

  7. What is std::thread in C++11?

    • Discuss the basics of using std::thread for multithreading in C++.

  8. What is a decltype?

    • Explain how decltype is used to deduce the type of an expression.

  9. What is the noexcept specifier?

    • Describe the purpose of noexcept and its impact on exception handling.

  10. What is a decltype(auto)?

    • Discuss how decltype(auto) can be used to deduce the type of a return value.

Practical Programming

  1. How do you handle file I/O in Visual C++?

    • Explain file operations using streams (ifstream, ofstream, fstream).

  2. How do you manage resources in a C++ program?

    • Discuss resource management strategies, including RAII and smart pointers.

  3. What are some common performance optimization techniques in C++?

    • Provide examples of performance optimization methods, such as inlining functions and optimizing loops.

  4. How do you debug a C++ program in Visual Studio?

    • Explain common debugging tools and techniques available in Visual Studio.

  5. What are some common pitfalls in C++ programming?

    • Discuss issues such as memory leaks, dangling pointers, and undefined behavior.

  6. How do you implement a singleton pattern in C++?

    • Describe the singleton design pattern and its implementation.

  7. What is the difference between shallow copy and deep copy?

    • Explain the concepts and provide examples of both types of copying.

  8. How do you implement a custom allocator in C++?

    • Discuss the concept of custom memory allocators and their use cases.

  9. What is the C++ memory model?

    • Describe the C++ memory model, including issues related to thread safety and atomic operations.

  10. How do you use Visual Studio's static code analysis tools?

    • Explain the use of static analysis tools available in Visual Studio for code quality checks.

Additional Topics

  1. What is the difference between #include and #import?

    • Compare these preprocessor directives and their uses.

  2. How do you handle platform-specific code in Visual C++?

    • Discuss methods for writing portable code and handling platform-specific features.

  3. What are the differences between new and malloc?

    • Explain the differences in memory allocation and initialization.

  4. How do you use std::shared_ptr and std::weak_ptr to avoid cyclic dependencies?

    • Discuss how to manage shared ownership and avoid memory leaks with cyclic dependencies.

  5. What is the role of std::tuple and how is it used?

    • Describe std::tuple and its applications in C++ programming.

  6. What is std::future and std::promise in C++11?

    • Explain how std::future and std::promise are used for asynchronous programming.

  7. How do you implement a custom exception in C++?

    • Provide examples of defining and using custom exceptions.

  8. What are the differences between std::vector and std::list?

    • Compare these two STL containers in terms of their use cases and performance characteristics.

  9. What is the std::optional feature in C++17?

    • Discuss how std::optional can be used to represent optional values.

  10. How do you use std::algorithm functions?

    • Describe common STL algorithms and their use cases, such as std::sort, std::find, and std::transform.
